1. iTunes Movies
- 1.1 iTunes Movie Format
- 1.2 iTunes Movie Metadata
- 1.3 iTunes Top Movies
2. iTunes Movie Rentals
3. More Tips for iTunes Movies
How to Download and Manage iTunes Movie Metadata
The iTunes Movie Metadata is that window you get prior to downloading the file. It contains the plot summary, the cast and crew, and the rest of the pertinent information such as the movie’s studio production outfit, genre, year of release, and run time..
However, not all movies have the same metadata components. Some merely include the full plot summary while leaving off the cast and director information. Others don't have anything but the title and release date listed. Some movies will contain full information while some only have the genre and the running time included.
Clearly, the movie that has the most complete metadata information is the one that is the easiest to use and manage. Users can easily search for and use the information contained in there to have a good idea of what the movie is all about and who stars in it. That's a way better experience than just knowing the title of the film.

If you need the movie metadata information from the iTunes store, what you need is the kind of software that will be able to extract or fetch it for you. One of the software that can do just that is Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate. Simply download the installer and run it on your computer to get it running. You’ll then have the full access to the same metadata information as seen from the iTunes. What's more, you can add your own or edit what’s already in there so your movie collection becomes easier to use and manage.
How to Download and Embed iTunes Movie Metadata

1. Load the iTunes movie that you want to obtain the metadata from
To upload a file using the Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate, simply click on Add Files or Load DVD movie using the corresponding buttons on the user interface. Then browse through the movie file you want the metadata extracted from. You’ll then see the movie listed on the main screen. The drag and drop action also works.

2. Click on the metadata button to search iTunes movie metadata
When you click on the metadata tab, you'll immediately see the information about the movie from there. That's how you fetch the data from any of the iTunes movie you have on your computer. You can edit the info from there. Fetching, editing, and adding to the metadata information is highly recommended before converting the file or transforming it to be more compatible with another device.

3. Save, edit, or convert the iTunes as necessary
All the other features of the Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate can be used for the iTunes movie file that you have downloaded. What’s more, you can use this software the other way around, which is to convert all of the videos and DVD movies stored in your computer to be compatible with iTunes; and with a more complete metadata file included in it too.
Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate comes in two versions, the one that is compatible with Windows-based computers and Video Converter for Mac OS X Mavericks.

About Metadata
The metadata is the most ignored part of a movie or a video yet it is one of its most crucial components. This string of data includes salient information about the movie such as its title, year of release, cast, producer, distributor, and director. And such information makes it easier for users to sort the videos and movies they own. Metadata also works to your advantage when using a multimedia tool like the iTunes. It makes organizing your movie and video collection a fairly straightforward task.
Other Software that You Can Use
Aside from the fully functional Aimersoft Video Converter Ultimate that allows you to download, edit, and convert videos along with fetching the all-important metadata files from your iTunes videos, there are a few other software that can do almost the same task. Your choices are the following:
1. Subler
Subler is an Apple App that allows users to tag iTunes movies and all TV shows downloaded from the app so that it becomes easier to organize and sort them all out. Simply drag and drop the movie files that you want to tag into the program’s interface and edit the metadata information from there. Editing files in batches is also allowed. But to new users, it's a little bit hard to handle.
2. iTunes 6
Subler is an Apple App that allows users to tag iTunes movies and all TV shows downloaded from the app so that it becomes easier to organize and sort them all out. Simply drag and drop the movie files that you want to tag into the program’s interface and edit the metadata information from there. Editing files in batches is also allowed. But to new users, it's a little bit hard to handle.
3. Identify 2
Subler is an Apple App that allows users to tag iTunes movies and all TV shows downloaded from the app so that it becomes easier to organize and sort them all out. Simply drag and drop the movie files that you want to tag into the program’s interface and edit the metadata information from there. Editing files in batches is also allowed. But to new users, it's a little bit hard to handle.